Sunday, January 23, 2011


Last week I asked the readers of this blog for encouragement. As you all know it had been a rough week. I came into my workspace and my friend Mary had taped up inspirational quotes all over the place. They came from such diverse people as FDR to Dr. Seuss to a few from unknown sources. It made me smile!! I am going to share these with you during some of my posts.

Today's entry......from Winston Churchill....

"If you are going through hell, keep going."

I love that.....

My hell as it were can be watching some people eat whatever they want and knowing that I will gain weight just watching them. Or it can be beating myself up when the results on Saturday are not what I think they should be. Or driving by a clothing store knowing buying off the rack is not an option for me (right now).

There are some things I can do something about and some will never change. I will always know people who will be able to eat whatever they like and won't gain an is what it is.

I can do my best each week to workout and eat what is right.....some weeks the result will be good and other no matter how hard I try will not be good. I just have to get it in my head that as long as I do my best.....eventually I will be successful.

The part about buying off the rack....will come in time....and when it will all know about it.....

To paraphrase Churchill (do I have nerve or what?)....I have been in my own personal hell (it was my own doing) but I am going to keep going and climb out....the steps out are labeled.....working out, eating healthy and believing....I have to fight this battle everyday.....didn't someone famous say "War is hell" sure is....

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