Sunday, January 16, 2011

Highlights vs. Coloring It All

As I have said in previous posting, I am not sure why I share so much info.....

Last week I went to get my hair cut. Wayne and I discussed whether or not I should get highlights. My concern was will highlights make my hair look thinner than it already is? Should I dye it all one color? Wayne pointed out that dying my hair all one color would accentuate my scalp and make my hair look thinner and my scalp would stand out more. With highlights, the mixture of colors would not draw as much attention to my thin hair and scalp. The highlights would also give my hair some extra body (something I do not need in other places).

So highlights it was !! A little of some kind of lotion to add some body/thickness and I loved my hair. Yes, it may be an illusion using mirrors and smoke but it made me feel better.

The next morning I actually put some of the lotion in my hair and used a curling iron. My hair looked better than it has in a long time. Not as good as when Wayne does it but I was pleased with what I was able to do. I didn't even burn myself with the curling iron and kept the temp on it low so as to not burn my hair either.

OK, so the top of my head is looking better....I will never have a nice full head of hair like so many of my friends (I do envy them) but that's least I feel a little better about my hair.

I am sure some of you are vain she is.....I know with all the things going wrong in the world.....unemployment, foreclosures, hair doesn't even justify a posting.....but it does to sorry if you think I am being 55 I think I am entitled to....

I also got a pedicures so my toes look great....

OK so the top of my head looks better and the toes look I have to work on the parts in between.....

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