Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 Minutes on the elliptical

Friday, I finally got on the elliptical again for the first time in months. Carol stood right next to me and told me what I was doing right and wrong. Every time I leaned forward she would point it out to me. I was also trying to go fast. Carol wants me to move at a steady pace not racing speed. From now on our time together will start and end with the elliptical. Ten minutes in the beginning and five minutes at the end. She says we will build up my time until I can get up to 1/2 hour. I was really sweating and breathing hard. We checked my heart rate several times. I asked her if I was going to die while it I was on the elliptical......she laughed and said no.

I have my marching orders. No getting on the elliptical without Carol .....right now. She has threatened to put a dowel in front of me to make sure I do not lean forward (wouldn't that be a pretty sight). Pace myself and keep my heart rate steady. I am hoping within a short period of time I will be able to use the elliptical every time I am at the gym. Sometimes as a beginning and ending and other times do all of my time at the gym on it.

I love the feeling of sweating (at the gym only).....I may look like crap since wet hair stuck to my head and a t-shirt that is stuck to me due to the sweat is not an attractive sight but for some reason the sweating makes me feel accomplished. Weird huh?

Each turn on the elliptical in my head I hear Cardio, Cardio, Cardio which to me equals calories, calories, calories......I have to believe this will make me more successful in my quest for good health......and that's what it's all about (no I am not doing the hokey pokey while typing those last few words)!!

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