Monday, January 10, 2011

A Sunday Workout

I wanted to start the week with a Jenn and I headed to the gym Sunday morning. It wasn't as crowded as it was earlier in the week. You know....with all those people who have made a New Years resolution to work out more often. Last year, that was me.....I am very proud that I stuck with it!!

I decided to do my FAVORITE activity......the stairs. I did them for 30 minutes and worked up a good sweat. I threw in some machines and headed home.

Most days, I no longer feel like I don't belong at the gym. Once in a while I get uncomfortable being there but that is usually when I see people doing things I have yet to accomplish. Then I have to remind myself how much I HAVE accomplished in the past year.

The workout was a good way to start the week....I always feel better when I leave the must be those....endorphins....I am told they make you happy....and I am happy after a workout not just because it is time to go home but because I have followed up in my commitment to a healthier lifestyle....

Come on endorphins....hang with need you....

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