Sunday, January 2, 2011

My 100th Post !!!!!

It is hard to believe but I have posted 100 times to this blog.....

I am so proud of myself for sticking with it.

I have a habit of starting something full force and then fade out. To confirm this just look at all my half done craft projects, the recipes I cut out but never made and the times in years past where my New Year's resolutions were forgotten before the last version of Auld Lang Syne had been sung.

As I have shared with you....last year was different. Like the Chinese New Year has the year of the horse or bird or tiger. 2010 was the year of me !!!! Well, unlike the Chinese....I am making 2011 the same name as last it All About Me, the sequel !!

Look forward to posts about new recipes tried, stretching what I can do at the gym (I am sure Carol will see to that!!!) and continued success at the scale !!!

Carol's suggestion that I start a blog was a stroke of genius. I have always loved writing and this blog has given me the outlet to write on a regular basis. I have found it very therapeutic and sharing my feelings, adventures, successes and failures with all of you has been:

1. scary
2. terrifying
3. freeing
4. emotional
5. sad
6. funny
7. positive
8. a stretch
9. rewarding

I am excited to continue this blog and look forward to the next 100 or 200 entries. I dream that someday maybe just maybe it can be turned into a book. Think how much fun a book tour would be????

I do not think my experiences in the last year were unusual but I think the sharing it is what may makes my journey unique. If one person see this blog as interesting reading or a positive experience I will feel the time at my computer each week will have been worth it.

My friend Gigi and I have joked about a book tour....Gigi on one side of me and Jenn on the other while I autograph books. Jenn keeping the line moving and Gigi tapping me on the shoulder say "Donna, we only have a few more minutes and then we have to wrap it up." Talking about my book on Ellen or Oprah (I guess on her new network)...

The way I have dreamed of going to Italy....of wearing a basic black dress I just bought off the rack......I dream about being published.

Maybe this is the time my dreams start to come true.......

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