Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hoppin' Johns and Time to Start the New Year....

Yesterday, I made my 1st attempt at the traditional southern New Year's meal. I made corn bread, collards, hoppin' johns and ham (in lieu of pork....hey it all comes from the same animal!!!). I was so pleased with the way it turned out....the corn bread was so easy....thank you Jiffy box mix. The collards were canned (ok I made it easy for me). The hoppin' johns was from a recipe I found in a magazine last week. It tasted great!!!!

Today, I pitched out the Christmas cookies still in the house (yes, they were still calling my name!!!!). I might go to Earth Fare and get some Buffalo jerky...yum...high in protein low in fat and carb's. Also heading to Publix for some veggies (for the steamer) and fruit.

I know people get all excited about the New Year.....resolving to exercise more (or a weight watchers calls it....more activity) and eat healthier. The problem is they don't stick to it. Last year, I was able to stick to my goals. This year I feel even stronger about the challenge I have ahead.

I even decided to label the foods I usually have in the house with the number of points they equal on the WW points plus program. If you decide to peek in my pantry don't laugh at the boxes and packages with numbers written on them with a will make my life easier and I won't have to look up the foods I eat the most often.

I have never been this excited at the start of a New Year.....throw some confetti, shoot off some fireworks, blow a horn.....the New Year has arrived and so have I !!!!!! LOL.....

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