Saturday, March 24, 2012

Being Happy With Who I Am Now....

After many hours on the therapist couch.....LOL....not really....but I think we could all use some therapy. I tend to get mine through my friends and by talking to myself (in my head that is not out loud....LOL).

I have to accept and love myself as I am now.....warts and all. If I cannot get to that place then I will never be happy no matter how much I change. I have moments of confidence and happiness and dare I say it delight. Even an occasional bit of joy thrown in. But sometimes I have to fight the dark cloud that seems to follow me. My lot in life is not perfect but if I can ignore the things that drag me down I think I can be on a more positive track. This may take some work but I am going to really make a concerted effort to stay on the glass is half full side of the street. No, I am not going to change into Mary Poppins but I can do a better job at focusing on the positive.

Donna's things to be happy about:

95% of the time I love my job.
I am now planning to do some things around the house to improve it.
Doing some shopping for me.
Saying yes more and no less.
More time with family and friends.
Going to the gym.
Continuing to finds healthy options with regard to food.
Stop looking at what others have and be happy with what I have or what I will have.

Making changes in attitude will be as hard if not harder than the work to get healthy and eat healthy. But I can do it.....I know I can.

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