Saturday, March 17, 2012

Time to Start Using Some PTO

PTO.....I love those letters.....Paid Time Off!!!! I have only used 3 days of PTO so far this year. With the time I carried over from last year I really have to get going with using my time. This coming week I am taking off Friday and the following Monday. I am planning on doing some spring cleaning and getting my herb garden going. I may hit the gym and have some me time.

I have picked a lot of my time and still have about 5 days that I can use here and there. The funny part is when your children are young your time off from work is based around their school schedule. Then all of a sudden you can take time off just to take time off. It is strange and actually a little hard to get used to......just another turn in the road of making it all about me. Jenn and I will have some days off together and that is always fun and very busy!!!

But to sit at my table in the morning, have a cup of coffee from my Keurig and plan my day......just sounds lovely. Time to read or write......time to dream or plan......time to create or change.......there are a million options for what I can do on my PTO thing I am sure of is they will all be about me......

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