Sunday, March 25, 2012

Things To Do

Donna's Up Coming To Do List-

I love lists!!! I have to start to plan and write down the things I need to take care of.....some are small and some are big. But if I don't start to think about them or check into them they won't ever get done.

The things for this week and this month will happen. The things for this year is part of the wish list I have decided to work on.....

This week-
Go to gym 5 times (ugh)
Finish Income Taxes (yuck)
Have central air maintenance done (a must after the mild winter we had.....Lord knows what the summer will be like)
Have my car serviced (tires, alignment and anything else it needs)
Replant herb garden
Put down new mulch around bushes in front of house
Continue the attack on the ant hills in the backyard and on the side of the patio

This month- (ok into April too)-
Finish writing what I want to say at Mom's Memorial service in April
Get estimates to have house power washed
Buy a weed eater before the grass grows up under the vinyl siding
Fix flag holder on porch
Rake and re-seed lawn in patchy spots
Buy new cover for gas grill

This year-
Get two door knobs replaced for two closets in house
Fix lock on the shed
Plan vacation
Start to get estimates for new flooring on the living room side of the house
Get estimates for painting the living room side of the house
Get Bob's trips to NY scheduled
Look for a new couch

Well that should keep me busy until 2013....don't you agree??

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