Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Good Day

I fell asleep in the living room recliner last night.....I woke up at 5:30 A.M. to a tornado warning not far from where we are......OK not a tornado watch but a tornado warning. I didn't feel I could go to sleep in my room until the "warning" period was over.

I woke up at 9:00 to Jeter barking. It turns out he had been barking much earlier and Jenn was letting him play on the bedroom side of the house. I didn't know my bedroom door was closed so I was a little confused at first as to why his barking sounded so far away. I relaxed in my bedroom recliner while I flipped channels. Then Jenn came in and said the dreaded words...."What time do you want to go to the gym?" I was not thrilled. I had a headache and was moving slowly. In a very biting response I said, "I will be ready in 15 minutes!!" I was ready pretty close to that time and off we went to the gym in the rain. When we got there the pool was full of activity.....there were people sharing the lap lanes and there were even people doing laps on the open side of the pool. I grabbed my little corner of the pool and began to jog. I have had a hard time judging how long to jog fast and how long to jog slow. I decided to pray while I jogged. The short prayer I would jog slowly, the long prayer I would jog fast. Before I knew it my time in the pool was over and I hadn't looked at the clock on the wall once. And yes I had to admit I was glad we had gone......once it was over. We are definitely back into our regular work out schedule.

After the gym it was home to have something quick to eat (flat bread with turkey pepperoni and cheese(just one slice)). Remember it was now 12:45 and I had not had anything to eat yet today. Next off to a Pampered Chef party. I am so glad I went. I saw some friend from my old job. I thought we would stay maybe two hours instead we ended up being the last guests to leave. We laughed a lot and that felt wonderful.

Then back home to read, watch some DVR'd shows and blogging. Jenn just finished some of the ironing and I will finish up the rest.

It doesn't sound like a day that would be great but it was. I am glad I went to the gym.......I am glad I saw some friends.......and I know what they mean about laughter being good for the soul. I haven't laughed that much in ages and just thinking about it makes me smile.

Tomorrow it is back to the gym, bake a crumb cake for the office and maybe make Weight Watchers Pumpkin Muffins for the week. I am going to try and get my WW points set for the week.

Back to today.....nothing spectacular happened but it was just the right mix of fun and work. It was a good day.....

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