Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Produce Stand

Although I hate the fact that it is warm so early......there are some up sides. No jackets have to be worn. Never had to give up the flip flops. I actually had to turn on the central air for a little while today. I am worried the summer will be ungodly hot since we never really had much of a winter. I am going to make an appointment to have our central air serviced this week (better now than in August). I drove by Lowes today and the herbs are in the racks so I may go back tomorrow and get some for planting. Also might get some hanging baskets along with the red ant killer and the weed spray for the cracks in the driveway.

But the nice part about the weather is the local produce stand has set up shop and is up and running. I stopped there last night and picked up a head of lettuce, 5 tomato's, 3 cukes, 6 ears of corn, 3 potato's, 3 green peppers, 3 lb bag of onions.....grand total $12. Just the cukes alone were selling in Walmart for 72 cents each and the peppers the same. In fact, I stopped at the produce stand today and got more onions, peppers and corn....another whopping $5.60. How can you beat 3 lbs of onions for $1.50 or 3 cukes for a dollar or 3 peppers for a dollar. And they are all when I make sausage, peppers and onions this week....yum.....and with turkey sausage too!!!

I love buying fresh produce.....there is something about walking around in the open air and seeing all the veggies there are to pick from. The gentleman who waited on us last night was the same person to wait on us today.....when Jenn left he said "see you tomorrow" with a laugh. You never know.....we might be there again tomorrow.....nothing like it.

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