Saturday, March 10, 2012

What A Way To Shop.....

Remember those dreaded shopping trips with your Mom. You would like something and she wouldn't. She would pick out something and you would hate it. In all honesty, most times my Mom had great taste. Every once in a while we would not agree in an outfit but when it came to prom dresses or my wedding gown.....we were so on the same page.

Shopping with your daughter now is very different. You pull up to the store and she gets out. You find a parking spot. You do not leave the car. You can listen to your IPOD and play games on your Iphone. When she finds something she wants you to see......she sends a picture of herself in the potential outfit in the dressing room as a text message to your Iphone. You send back your critique in a text message back to her. While she is still shopping, you check your e-mail. Well what do you find an e-mail with coupons for the store she is shopping forward the e-mail to her. When she gets to the register she shows the cashier the e-mail and the cashier scans the bar code on her phone. How much easier can it get?

Just one was so nice today I think my left arm got sunburn while I was waiting in the car.....oh is a small price to pay for going shopping with your daughter....

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