Saturday, March 24, 2012

Time To Stop Letting People Hurt Me....

In order to get to the happy place I referenced in my last post I need to really focus on the topic of this entry. I am way too sensitive. I get hurt way too easily. I do not let people know when they hurt me for fear of hurting them (OK how silly is that). I know many times people do not mean to hurt me or even give what they do that hurts me a second thought. I don't know why I still feel the need to be accepted, included and part of the crowd.

This week I attended a lunch and learn meeting. The first thing we had to do was look at a picture and give our thoughts on what it meant to us. It was a group of people with eggheads sitting at a table in a meeting. When it was my turn I said it reminded me of when I was in elementary school and junior high. I was in the IGC class (intellectually gifted children) and the SPE (special progress class). LOL....I know the fact that I even made the cut into these classes may surprise many of you!!! I never felt I belonged and was only there because there was an extra desk. My biggest fear each year was being dropped from the class. It never happened. I told the group I was not at the table with the eggheads. I said I would probably have drawn myself in the room but at a table by myself.

So here is my I speak up and let people know they hurt me? Do I just try to push the hurt aside? What do I do? Let's face it at my age my sensitivity is probably not going to what to do?

OK to all of you armchair therapists......why am I still seeking acceptance and love?? Is it something we all desire throughout our lives and we just do not speak of it or am I just a mess......

I am going to try and suck it up a little more and not let things hurt me so easily........we will see how it goes......

1 comment:

  1. I have mixed emotions on this one, I believe you should be honest and tell someone whe they hurt your feeling - especially me cuz I know I would want to know and I would in turn, try to make it right and not do it again...but that being said, you might open yourself up to the type of person people will be afraid to talk to because they are afraid to hurt your feelings, does that make sense??
