Saturday, March 3, 2012

Writing Myself Notes.....

Sometimes when I am at home I think of something I have to do the next day at work. I will either send myself an e-mail or leave myself a message at work. I will also do the reverse if I am at the office and need to remember to do something at home. There used to be times when I would pick up groceries at lunch. If I had to put some of them in the refrig in the office, I would put my car keys in the bag with them. This way I couldn't leave the office without them. I will admit there were times when I got out to my car and ripped my pocketbook apart before I would realize my keys were in the office refrig with those damn groceries.

Oh and I am a list maker....I have a list for everything....from the ingredients for a recipe or the date bills have to be paid or appointments I have to make or a list of appointments coming up.....chances are in my pocketbook there will be several lists going at the same time.....sometimes I will combine the lists on to one piece of paper. I also have a small notebook in my pocketbook. It has lists of things I want to do around my house......major things. It lists classes I would like to take and songs I want to buy for my IPOD. It has ideas for Christmas gifts.

Well now for the 2nd time in recent months I have forgotten to bring underwear to the many times am I going to have to leave the gym pantiless???? I don't really want to start leaving notes around that say bring underwear to gym......

I don't believe my memory is going.....I just think I have too many things going on at the same time.....right.....of course what is the big deal about making lists.....or e-mailing myself.......or leaving myself a voice mail.....when I start to wonder who sent the e-mails or left the voice mail messages then I will worry until then.....I should just buy stock in post-it notes.....

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