Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Portion Thing...

We are several weeks into the eating the right portion sizes for Lent. I think we will continue doing this even after the Easter Bunny has come and gone. Jenn and I have never overindulged in our eating (but we have never really measured or counted out what we eat....we just kind of eyeball it). We now use the weight watcher food scale that was collecting dust on the counter. It is amazing how accurate it is. We use smaller plates. And we count......I count the number of pretzels in a portion, we count the number of M&M's in a portion (anywhere from 25-29), we know how much linguine is a serving. We also now check out how much protein, fat, carbs and sugar are in something.....not just the calories. We are trying to experiment with different combinations of foods. Yes, a hamburger can be eaten without a bun. Yes, egg whites can make a good omelet. Yes, it is OK to have a treat now and then just keep track of it.

When my brother came to visit I asked him to bring 2 boxes of Devil Dogs and 2 boxes of Funny Bones for Jenn and me. Bob asked for 2 boxes of Coffee Cakes and 2 boxes of Yankee Doodles. Guess whose is gone already....not mine and Jenn's. In fact, Bob asked how many of the Devil Dogs and Funny Bones had I eaten......I told him Jenn and I had shared one Devil Dog. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said "why are you hoarding them?". I didn't think I was.....I was just being sensible.Thank goodness for the freezer....LOL. As I said before a little treat every now and then doesn't hurt.

I never was one to eat a sleeve of cookies but also never stopped to think 3 oreo's is a portion. Making a circle between your pointer finger and the middle of your thumb....the size of that circle is how much uncooked linguine is a serving. We had soup for dinner the other night and Jenn used smaller bowls than usual.....guess was the right amount. When we were done I wasn't busting at the seams full but I was satisfied. I really am trying to switch around what I eat. I found something called the "alternative bagel" at Publix. It is high in protein and fiber and low in sugar....only 110 calories. OK it is NOT as good as Panera's Cinnamon Crunch Bagel or the Asiago Cheese bagel but it serves it purpose for breakfast.

And we are all allowed to splurge every now and then but the portion thing is really a new twist for me. I grew up in the age of the clean plate club. Our meals while very tasty were laden with sauces and butter and carbs and fat. Crumb buns were eaten with butter, french toast had butter and sugar poured over it, veggies had sauces, we ate gravy on heaping piles of mashed potato's and never gave any of it a thought. Sugary buns from the bakery on Sunday mornings. Whole milk, butter, eggs, salt on everything.....nothing low fat or heaven forbid fat free. Now to me whole milk tastes so thick.....I never thought I would get used to skim milk but now that is all I drink. Would I love 2 eggs over easy, some home fries, a serving of corn beef hash and a few slices of rye toast with butter.....hell yes.....but each time I think of it my arteries start to clog. Now I am not saying we have the healthiest eating house around....I know others who really earn that award but at least Jenn and I think before we eat. We plan more.....we are a work in progress.....but we are eating a hell of a lot healthier than we used to.....and the portion is now part of us too.

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