Sunday, March 4, 2012

Calling people in my own house....LOL

We have reached a new height of laziness in my house. Instead of yelling to Bob 9 times that dinner is ready(he is definitely hard of hearing.....although he does hear what he wants to hear)......I now pick up the phone and call him. He can see my name and cell phone number come up on the TV screen and he knows dinner is ready. You do need to know that when I call him I am in the kitchen or living room and he is in our bedroom watching some sporting event. Thank goodness I haven't caught him yet watching "Hillbilly Hand Fishing" and calling it a sport!!!! OK our house is not doesn't have two doesn't have a basement. It is just that Bob has the TV so darn loud he can't hear the shrill of my voice yelling"BOB BOB BOB". I will call Jenn in the morning if I don't hear her moving after her alarm clock has gone off. Jenn has called me at night to tell me to turn on a channel with a show I will like. When I was very young, my parents didn't have a phone. I can't imagine not having my phone within arms reach to either contact someone or play a game or look something up. I am more addicted to my Iphone than I thought I would be. I love it!!!

But somewhere I am sure my Dad is disgusted at the laziness of making phone calls to each other in the same house....LOL. When something really annoyed him or he thought something was stupid he would say "ugh".....well I am sure he is saying "UGH Irene look at how lazy they are"......sorry Dad but it works for me....

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