Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Gym and The Scale

We are very much back into our 4 times a week at the gym. It feels good to be back in a routine. I have done some more reading about Water Jogging and really have found my passion in exercise. I am thinking about maybe doing 15 minutes or a mile on the elliptical and then heading to the pool to jog for a while. I will let you know how that goes. I would have to wear my bathing suit under my shorts and t-shirt then get all sweaty and take it off to go in the pool and then put it back on when I get out of the pool??? Hhhhmmm.....I may have to think on that one. I hate carrying a bunch of stuff into the gym but if I don't want to put sweaty clothes back on I would have to bring another outfit to wear home. While the hell don't I just bring a rolling suitcase in with me???? OK this is way to much to think about.....I will have to see how it goes....oh and I forgot I would have to bring my sneakers and another pair of shoes.....who wants to put sweaty socks and sneakers back on after the pool. And I will be carrying out sweaty clothes mixed with the salt water smelling bathing suit and towel.....OK I am getting way ahead of myself. I do think I have to find some thing to use to play music while I am in the pool. The time does go fast but having music would make it even better.

I also got back on the scale after a several week absence. I was going to weigh myself on Tuesday morning but decided I has eaten pasta the night before and that might make me too I weighed myself on Thursday after a light dinner Wednesday you see how obsessive I am about this. I only weighed myself 4 times which is good for me and the scale numbers were all favorable. But not what I was hoping for.... I have to continue to tweak things so I can continue to move in the right direction. I guess I was a little disappointed because this week I actually thought once or twice that my clothes felt looser......maybe the only thing looser is the brains in my head.....

I have to continue to remind myself that I am much healthier than I was 2 years ago, that I am eating much healthier than I did 2 years ago and I am in better shape than I was 2 years matter what anyone else says or thinks.

Where would I be now if I had not started to exercise, eat healthier and lose weight?? I know I would have been heavier and less mobile. I have to remind myself of that and give myself an occasionally pat on the back along with the occasional kick in the butt to keep going. Yes, there are times when I feel sorry for myself when I see the speed at which others are moving toward success but I need to remember each in their own time......and my time is now.

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