Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mirror, Mirror...

99% of people do not look great naked. Everyone has their flaws or things they would like to change. I know how my butt, stomach and thighs look....not so good. I have accepted that fact. I am working on it.

I have a mirror on my desk. I have it because the way my desk is situated someone could walk up behind me and I wouldn't see them. I have been known to be so focused on work that when someone comes up behind me they startle me and I scream. Not very pretty.....LOL. I also have a cubicaller (it is a doorbell for my cube) does give me advanced warning when someone is coming into my workspace.

Anyway, about the mirror. It does come in handy but also I catch glances of myself all day. I fix my hair each time I look in it (we all know how I am about my hair). Yesterday was different. I was wearing a top I hadn't worn in ages. A striped top in Easter colors of pink, purple and white. I caught a glance of the top in the mirror and then I saw something else.....I wasn't sure what it was. I looked again in the mirror and had to look hard. It was my arm. What had caught my eye was the skin on my arm. It was hanging and was something I had never really noticed before. I tried to pull my short sleeves down to my elbows so I didn't have to look at it. The skin looked like friggin wings hanging there. I have been so busy focusing on the lower half of my body it never dawned on me that my arms were kind of ugly too.

OK so now I know why I have been doing arm work too. I am going to double my efforts on my arms so that when I put my arms out to my side I don't look like I am going to take flight any minute.

My next worry......what other parts of my body have I missed focusing ears???? my nose???? Did I mention that the birthmark I have had since birth but had faded between my eyes has decided to surface again recently? Each day when I put on my make-up there it like a sunburn between my eyes.

I don't know what else there is to focus on......maybe I should just take down the mirror.....but if I did then I might miss seeing the improvements taking place.....and if it broke....well I sure don't need 7 years bad the mirror stays and in it I will hopefully see parts of me that are starting to disappear....

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