Saturday, March 10, 2012

Free E-Books....right up my alley.....

I have been a fan of the site The Frugal Girls on FB for a while. I hadn't really paid attention to the free book offers they advertise on a regular basis. This week I started checking them out. I purchased free books on NY, Muffins, Vegetarian Recipes, Weight Watchers Salads and Grandma's Cookie Recipes to name just a few. Of course, it was so easy to do the purchase.....turn on the Kindle, hit the amazon button on the Frugal Girls website and hit the purchase button on amazon and ta da the books show up on my Kindle.

I love getting things free!!!! I will have to keep an eye out for more Frugal Girls offers. There are always updates about coupons and freebies.......I am not sure why I didn't pay more attention before but I can assure you I will be reading their offers much more carefully now.

I love saving money!!!!!!

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