Saturday, March 3, 2012

Entry # 400 !!!!!

I can't believe this is my 400th entry!!!!! How did that happen?? I remember when I hit #100 and thought that was a lot......WOW!!

I started this blog 2 years ago this month. I am always talking about passion in life and this is one of my true passions. I think my feelings come through in my entries. You have shared this walk with me....through my ups and downs. I have gone from being afraid to share to baring my soul (well almost all of it....there are still something I just elude to but don't come right out and say).

The original premise of this blog was to write about my weight loss and getting healthier journey. This is still true but as you know if you have followed this blog from it's inception I have gotten into other topics that are part of my life. I have written about my dreams, changes I have experienced, frustration with others, my search for peace, love and happiness. I have come to understand that although I know I still need to shed pounds and continue to work out and eat healthier that is not the answer to all I need.

I try not to say "it's too late", I do say "What if" more often. Do I still want to be published? YES. Do I still feel I have a chance to see my dreams become reality? YES. Do I believe in me? YES. Would I have said all of that a few years ago? NO.

I still do give some people too much power over me and let their words hurt me. Hey, I didn't say I was 100% perfect. Like I have said many times before I am a work in progress.

BUT I have learned how lucky I am to have wonderful friends who are supportive and cheer me on. I am grateful to have a daughter who I can laugh with and who pushes me when I struggle. I know how to love others......I am learning how to love and like me....warts and all......

So I hope you will hang in there while I move along this long and winding has no end.....and that is not a bad just means I continue to evolve into the Donna I want to here is to number 401 and 402 and 403 and on and on.....

There is a book in all of this or at least a monthly article in a magazine or a weekly column in a newspaper.........I am sure.....I just have to find the right person to believe in me and my I shooting too high......I don't think I sound cocky? I don't mean know what that statement about a book is? That is me finally feeling confident about something I do......well it only took 400 entries.....and if that is what it was worth every word.....

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