Monday, November 28, 2011

The I-Phone vs. The Blackberry

I am technologically challenged......up until 2 years ago my cell phone looked like something out of the dark ages. I never sent texts or pictures to anyone. Now, I text all the time (not while driving of course) and do send photo's. During the summer Jenn encouraged me to take the next step......I got an I-phone. Just a few months later I can say "I love my I-Phone". I love the app's, I love being able to search out info while I am away from home and all the other bells and whistles that come with the phone. When I started my new job in August, they gave me a Blackberry. I can access my office e-mails on it. That is as much as I can do on it.....

To think the girl who could barely handle a cell phone now has an I-Phone and a Blackberry in her pocketbook is scary.

The Blackberry goes off each time I get an e-mail. When I am off from work and I hear it my head I think.....should I read it or ignore it? My solution was to plug it in to recharge in the kitchen so I don't hear it all the time. Just during the time I have been sitting hear writing these blog entries it has vibrated several times. I will probably breakdown and log onto my work laptop to see what is out there in my e-mails. This would probably be a good idea since that would save me time in the morning when I return to work. I would have to spend the first 2-3 hours of my day looking at e-mails.

Another stress reducer......uh no....there it goes again.....

Back to the gym......finally

Between the craziness of this time of year and being so busy at time at the gym has suffered. The good news is......I felt guilty about not being there. Never felt bad about not exercising before.....hey that is progress.

Today, I did get back to the gym. I jogged in the pool for about 45 minutes and did 1000 kicks hanging on the side of the pool. How do I know I did 1000 kicks......I counted each and every one of them. It felt good to work out again. And while I was doing my 45 minute jog, I was planning for the next year. I create stress for myself all the time. I have to be here at this time, I have to get this done before I can do something else, the office will collapse between the time I leave the office, hit the gym and get home (where I can log back into the office on my laptop). How important do I think I am? I can leave work at 5:00 on Tuesday and Thursday, go to the gym and log back on my laptop around 7:30 to see if I have missed anything earth shattering.....

In order to have less stress in my life for the month of December, I will get to the gym as often as I can. I will not make myself crazy about it if something comes up and I cannot go. January 2nd I can get back into my regular routine. 4-5 times a week at the gym for an hour each time. I will work out with my trainer 1-2 times a week. If I only meet with her once during the week then I will get on the elliptical at least once a week and then get in the pool 2 times a week.

I will watch what I eat through the new year. I am no saint but I will be very aware of what I put in my mouth. I would still like to be down on the scale January 1st and am keeping that goal in the forefront.

There are times when I have left stress and guilt overwhelm me.....not any least I am going try not to let it consume is too short and I would prefer to enjoy as much of it as I can.......

See I have taken the first step in the stress relief plan......I already have some of my New Year resolutions figure out......

Decorating for the holiday

My mission was to go back to work on the 29th and all the decorating would be done both inside and out. I always forget what a job it can be to put up the tree, the inside decorations and the outside decorations.

We started on Saturday with the tree. I pulled the tree out of the storage box (I know, I know I do not have a real tree)at 11AM. Due to a series of events, we did not finish the bulk of the inside decorating until 11PM. First, we sorted through what we had......did I still need 2 tree stands for a live How many candle holders do I need.....not 10 different kinds. What buildings do I want under the tree. Why do I have ton of tree needles on the floor from an artificial tree??? Time to sweep the floor. All that I have left to do inside is switching out the plate rack, decorate the small tree for the front window and get the ornaments on the big tree. One thing we did that made me happy was the tree topper. Last year, it never made it on the tree. This year we attached it to the top of the tree before we put the top of the tree in place. It is nice to see the star in the place it belongs. So we are in really decent shape as far as the inside goes. Less than another 30 minutes and we should be good.

Sunday, we decorated the outside of the house. Between Jenn and I it didn't take too long. We only have to hang out the Christmas flag and attach the big candy canes to the shutters and we are done outside.

I will be going back to work with just about all the decorating complete.

Next....on to the cookie baking and writing the cards. OK there are no short cuts to the cookies.......but can I just send e-mails and texts for holiday wishes?????

Everyone please keep your phones turned on or you might not get a Merry Christmas wish from me......

Black Friday

In order to get up and out early I knew I would need a nap. So at 7:45PM Thanksgiving night I took a nap until about 10:00. Then I went to bed at 11:00 and got up at 4:00. Showered, makeup and hair done. We were out of the house by 4:30AM.....yes AM. This year we used a different strategy......not that we planned it that way but it worked and will be the way we shop they day after Thanksgiving from now on.

Rule #1: Divide your store flyer's into 2 piles- 1 pile is I have no interest at all and the other is I need to take a second look at this one.

Rule #2: Look carefully through the these need a second look pile. Do you really need it or are you just getting caught up the the pre-holiday shopping craze.

Rule #3: We didn't look for any big ticket items.

Rule #4: Since we were following rule number 3 we didn't have to be there when the store opened we showed up 1/2 hour after a store opened. The crowds were already gone and we didn't fight crowds.

We were done by 10:30. The presents were wrapped by noon and we were able to relax. Now it is cyber Monday......yes I will be shopping again but at least I can get to rest and not have to rush to get from one place to the next. Next big shopping day will be December 26th.....yes I go to the after Christmas sales too!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Do You Mean The Macy's Parade Is Not For Me???

I was born on Thanksgiving. I weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces (no it is not true that Weight Watchers sent a lecturer to see me in the nursery!!!). As my Mom says, I had dark hair that stood straight up (I had hair issues even then) and a bright red birthmark on my forehead between my eyes. Since I was born in the middle of the night in a Catholic Hospital in the 1950's the nuns who ran the show told my dad he could come back and see me for the first time the next day during visiting hours. It was probably a good thing.....I bet I looked a little better in daylight.

I loved the years my birthday fell on Thanksgiving. I always thought the Macy's Parade was to celebrate about being stuck on myself!!!! It was fun to have the family together for those Thanksgiving birthdays. I hated those long spans when leap year meant my birthday went from the day before Thanksgiving to the day after Thanksgiving.

So here I am just a few days from another Thanksgiving birthday. The birthmark has faded over the years (it used to get brighter red when I would get mad) but I can still see it some times when I put on my makeup, the hair no longer stands straight up (now I battle to make it look fuller which as you all know is a story in itself) and the weight......oh the I would be happy to lose my birth weight by the New Year.

Well, say what you want.......I know when they say at 9:00 Thursday morning "Let's have a parade!!" is really for me.....

How did I get to 50+.....

In my head I am still 21.......unfortunately no one told my body. My hands have wrinkles, my face has some lines and yes that is definitely grey in my hair. I am hoping my exercising will hold off some of the plans Father Time has for me. I have a knee that has been bothering me for years. I don't expect that pain to go away. But it is nothing I can't deal with.......I do feel the need to explain to someone why I walk down the stairs slowly......why do I feel a need to explain....because I do not want them to feel it is because of my there I am explaining about how I fell and the doctor said I had caused permanent nerve damage to the knee and it is loaded with anyone really cares. I do the explaining so I hope to not stand out.

When you remember events that took place 40 years ago .....oh be honest 45 and sometimes more years gets me thinking.......where did the time go......I remember all I ever wanted to be was 18. For me 18 was a great age, I was in college, worked a job that paid enough money for jeans, gas for my pinto, nights out with my friends (yes this involved drinking but remember back then 18 was legal) and as much as I hate to say it enough money for my cigarettes (ok but I haven't had one in almost 25 years)....

Funny how things cigarettes, no pinto, not as many nights out with my friends (not as many as I would like)......

I do feel lucky......since I started to focus on me......I feel healthier than I have in years.....except for the knee not real aches and pains.....I consider the gym a necessity and a pedicure a must......

This year has been filled with adventures.....weddings, births and new job and finding out about the things I can do on my own......see I am still learning at 50+.

I can't wait to see what I learn this second chapter of my life.....

Twas the week before Thanksgiving

Like many people across the nation, I will be up early Thursday watching Macy's Parade. It makes me chuckle when people say to me "You have really been to the parade?" Been to that parade.....LOL.....let me count the number of times. Some years warm....some years freezing cold. With my Dad, we always stood up near where the parade began so as soon as Santa went by we raced to the car. My Dad's goal was to be back in our apartment by the time Santa made it across the finish line in front of Macy's on TV. Most years we made it....LOL.

There was also the year when as adults we took all our kids to the parade and it was my birthday. My family had the crowd around us join in a booming rendition of Happy Birthday while we waited for the parade to start. And yes, we have it on video.....that was a memorable event.....standing in the middle of NYC with a crowd of strangers singing to me.

Some years we would go downtown the night before Thanksgiving and see the balloons being blown up under huge nets. It was usually on that night I would have my first bag of roasted chestnut for the season......yum roasted chestnuts and yes they were cooking over an open fire.....

There are times when I miss being away from my family more than others....Thanksgiving and Christmas are certainly on top the list. It is a shame I took it so for granted when we lived within minutes of each other and would gather for anything from birthday cake to a football game.

This week as I add another candle to my birthday cake.....instead of making a wish.....I will do what so many others will be doing that thanks....for the wonderful people around me.......some in the same room and some miles away......each has added something to my life.......what better birthday present is there......and that gives me a lot to be thankful for......Amen.

Still Not Feeling Christmas

Last week I started looking for Christmas.....a week later and I still haven't found it. Maybe I am letting the outside world influence my inner joy. I wish I could move into one of those Hallmark movies for a week and just let the Christmas feelings take me over. Or maybe I could book myself into Bedford Falls for a week.I want to feel the that so bad?

I would like to spend some time with family and friends.....just reminiscing and laughing. I want to enjoy the hustle and bustle and not look at it as a chore. I even made the big decision to not go out early Black Friday UNLESS I find some gift I must get for someone. I enjoy going out in the crowds on Black Friday......there is something fun about it. I have been listening to a radio station that plays continuous Christmas music. I have heard my favorite Christmas song (Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas) a few times and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. The song is very wistful......

Jenn asked me what I wanted for Christmas and there was nothing that I wanted that I couldn't live without. I mean I can always come up with something I want but nothing that I have been drooling for.

We talked about what cookies we should make to bring to work. We have discussed what kind of gifts to give my team at the office.

Maybe once the tree goes up next will happen.......Christmas. Maybe I have watched too many Hallmark movies and am looking for something that doesn't exist....

I will keep searching......I know Christmas is out there somewhere......I just have to find it......

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is This Blog Self-Serving? Is It Too Much???

Someone mocked my blog this week. It hurt a lot for someone to many entries will there be in the All About Donna blog? In an ugly moment they asked if their comments to me would make it onto my blog. It hurt me deeply and made me question the purpose of writing every week. In the sarcasm of the facebook message, they stated "how many entries will there be in the All About Donna blog this week....50???"

This whole communication got me thinking.

I started this blog for me. At the suggestion of my trainer. I found it to be a good outlet for what I was experiencing and learning about myself. I found it therapeutic. It was never my intent to use it to boast. It was to celebrate my small victories and keep a record of where I have been and where I am heading. I started by sharing it with a very few select people, then I expanded my audience slowly and carefully......finally I decided to make the leap and let people know on facebook that I was writing a blog for them to read.

Up until this week, I have never gotten anything but positive feedback. I have been complimented for my honesty, sense of humor and for trying to stick with it even when I wanted to give up. I have had people share with me the entries that made them laugh and the ones that gave them encouragement. It is not easy to put your darkest moments out there for all to read but I felt it wouldn't be an honest blog unless I posted about the dark moments too. Along the way this blog has evolved not only into a weekly dairy about my quest to lose weight, eat healthy and get has given me the opportunity to write about the things I love, the things I dislike (don't want to say hate) and anything else that pops into my head. I have never forced anyone to read it or to become a follower of this blog. I have appreciated those of you who have read and those of you who have provided me with feedback. Thank you!!!

The person who put me down this week has made it into a blog entry.....they will remain nameless (but I will say this.....for once it was not Bob).

Now I am asking trusted friends, relatives and I still on the right track......was the sarcasm directed at me true.......has my writing gotten to be too much? I would love your thoughts......

Just one more thing......none of the feedback good or bad will cause me to stop my weekly entries.....LOL......did you think it would?? Maybe when I first started writing it might have made a difference but now I am not the same person I was back then.....

Where Are You Christmas

I went into Walmart last night. As soon as I walked in the store....there is was.....a Christmas tree. It was decorated ......not the way I would but it still looked OK. I know it is a little early but I still look for those small moments when I start to feel Christmasy. I have been watching some Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel and yes I have to admit I have listened to one or two Christmas songs on my IPOD (I have a few that I keep on my IPOD all year round the rest will be loaded on within a few weeks).

I can't wait for that feeling.......the one where you still feel like anything is possible. The magic of the Christmas season. I still believe in Santa and think he knows what I want each year. I love everything about the season......the way people treat each other, the music, the movies, the gift wrap, the foods.......I can put myself into Christmas overload in no time.

I will make sure I get to the gym and I will definitely watch what I eat. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the magic.....

OK maybe I am rushing trying to find Christmas when the Thanksgiving turkey hasn't even been carved yet. But in less than 2 weeks.....all systems are go......Jenn and I have already planned when we are going to decorate, we have discussed what cookies to make and there is always the do we get up for Black Friday or not conversation.

T-minus 12 days......I am so come on Christmas.......I am right here waiting for you!!!!

My Hair .....the saga continues

There was a time I would get up in the morning, wash my hair, dry it and go. Now I wash it, put it in curlers, later I then blow dry it, put some stuff called thick or volumizer in it and then use a curling iron. Then there is the brush out and hair spray. All of this to make it look like I have more hair than I do. It takes a lot of time in the morning but the final product does make me feel better. Even I can't believe I spend as much time as I do every single day to make me more comfortable with the thinness of my hair.

So I spend a lot of time in the morning making my hair look thick. Then I spend a lot of time at the end of the day trying to make my body look thin. Am I a mess or what.......never mind don't answer that.......I think I already know.....

Favorite Smells

Today, Jenn made sauce. The smell alone made you want to eat pasta. In a few weeks it will be the smell of pine and evergreen that will take front and center in our house. While we do not get a real tree we do get a real wreath. It hangs on our front door inside the storm door. The nice part is when you get ready to walk through the front door you open the storm door and it hits you.....that wonderful smell of Christmas. We also have Yankee Candles that are called Christmas Wreath.....we burn them from Thanksgiving Day until New Year's Day. It fills the house with an aroma that puts you back to being a kid waiting for December 25th. The smell of cookies baking sends me the our 5th floor walk-up on 153rd Street in the Bronx. I am suddenly transformed in time where I was maybe 6 or 7. I remember sitting on the kitchen table "helping" my mother make cookies and all of a sudden my brother and Dad come through the door with our Christmas tree in tow.

It is amazing how smells can transport you anywhere in time........I eat sushi.....I am in my grandmother's kitchen eating it fresh as she makes it. I smell bayberry candles burning.....I am off to another Christmas where my brother's boy scout troop sold them as part of a fund raiser. I smell a burger or steak on the is a summer cook out or an afternoon at a friends house by the pool. I smell a fireplace is a family gathering in the fall or the holidays. The smell of an outdoor fire can send me to one of the many stops we made on our last family vacation as a kid when we traveled across the country camping all the way.

I don't need a transporter like on Star Trek to move through time......I just the smell of something from my past and I am there.....

Monday, November 7, 2011

I Ate Half A Sandwich For Lunch

This week Jenn and I took a few days off to play. On Monday, we met Mary for lunch at DePrato's. I ordered a Turkey Reuben and it was delicious. It came with a pickle and an eye dropper filled with potato salad. We did have some pita chips with pimento cheese spread. But I still did something I haven't done in ages......I asked for a to go box. I only ate half my sandwich and we still had pita chips and pimento cheese left. Instead of feeling the need to finish any of it I packed it up and took it home. In my previous life, I always felt the need to finish what was placed in front of me.....not any more.

Later in the week, we threw away the pita chips. The pimento cheese is still in the fridge. The half a sandwich.....I had it for lunch yesterday. Quantity is not as important as it used to be.....quality is. I never thought I would get to a point where I would eat 1/2 a sandwich and be OK with it. But I am now at that point.....good for me.

The Dog Fit On My Lap

A lap....the definition is the space created on your legs when you sit down. A lap is something most people have that they don't even think about. I have not had much of a lap for a long time. This week I found out that had changed......

Jenn and I stopped at a friend's house this week. They have a dog who loves to sit on every one's lap. Until this week this was not an option for me.......I didn't even know it was an option now. But while I sat and chatted with my daughter and friend all of a sudden........there was the dog up on my lap. Now I am not saying she was able to lay out full length and stretch but she was able to get up and sit. I held her and petted her. Then she was gone..... off to seek new attention from someone else. She did come back and sat on my lap again before we left.

Now this is not a great big dog but she is not a small dog either. She is a medium size dog. I know it doesn't seem like a big thing to have a dog sit on your lap but when you haven't had the room for this to is something that jumps out at you after it happens. A small vistory.....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Venice and The Beach

I love the beach. I dream of living on the ocean. No house a few blocks from the ocean will work for me. I want beachfront property. Hey I can dream big can't I?? I also love Italy. I dream of going there someday.

Today.....after much harassment from my daughter.....we finally hung up some pictures in the 3rd bedroom.....unofficially called Donna's Place. I have a lot of my "stuff" in there. Books, computer, pictures, etc.....

We hung 3 beach pictures and one poster of Venice. I already had a New York Subway map on another wall. The pictures on the walls are so me....

The New Yorker......the subway map has my entire life on it. The subway map side has all the places I would travel to until I was in high school. The other side of the map has the trains from Pearl River to NYC......the places I traveled to after college until I got married. Then back to the subway map for the few years we lived in Yonkers before buying our first house back in Pearl River. Until I moved to SC I hadn't lived more than 20 miles from the place I was born.

The beach lover......the sound of the ocean is so soothing to me. Seeing the sunrise over the ocean is a sight hard to top. A beach house with weather worn furntiure and a screened in porch where you can sit at night and smell the ocean.....perfection. Oh but of course I would need a pool too!!

The Italian........Venice, Rome, Pisa just to name a few of the places I would love to see. I still believe it will happen.....someday. The poster framed and hung on the wall is my reminder. I will go there.....I will really....

But for now......I can sit on the comfy chair and a half, grab my kindle and turn on my IPOD and in my mind I am there.....sitting on a bench in Central Park, sitting on a rocking chair on the porch of my beach house or sitting in a cafe having a glass of wine in Rome.....

While I am sitting in Donna's Place.....I can be anywhere I want anytime.....

Daylight Savings Time

I always have hard time adjusting to the shorter amount of daylight. I hate leaving the office in the dark or going to the gym the dark. I love the fall and the winter and the cool weather it brings but the short days.....not so much.

The short days made driving to NY difficult. You leave SC in the dark and get to NY in the dark......uugghh.

But there is something nice about seeing lights on in houses on the way home from work. Of course in my mind each house has a perfect family inside all sitting down to a great dinner together. Not like in my house where by the time I get home many nights Bob has already eaten and is inside hunting for some sporting event to watch. Jenn and I kind of grab whatever we feel like eating. I try hard to remember the last time we all sat down at the table together for dinner. Sad to say I can't this so unique.....are we so out of touch? What ever happened to the Sunday dinners of my did not get to pass on the Sunday family dinner.

Well. it is what it is.....eventually Jenn will be having dinner in her own home with her own family. That is as it should be. Will I because that is the way life is......I may sit down at the table alone but that will be OK..... I have become comfortable enough with myself to be alone. And if I really want company I have enough good friends that wouldn't mind my company.......and now that I have worked on conquering my fear of family is only a few hours away.......but I will probably drive anyway.....the control freak in me......LOL.

Funny how thinking about a one hour change on the clock brought me to having dinner alone.....the mind is an amazing thing......and my can see it can definitely wander.......

Monday Morning At The Gym

I have a few days off from work so I am going to get my week off to the right start.....I will be at the gym at early in the morning. I wish I could get my lazy butt up early each morning and go to the gym before work but I just can't get myself in gear. But at least a few times in the next few weeks I will be able to get those endorphins going early......I haven't decided if I want to get some time in on the elliptical or just get in the pool......either way I can't lose!!!

From the gym I will be running errands.....might as well while I am still on an energy high....LOL.

Then in the afternoon I will hit "the wall".....I am sure there will be some nappage but I will have earned it.

Tuesday....same drill.....I will get to the gym early.

I am so looking forward to the early morning kidding!!!! And an added benefit is that usually after I work out I am not about a win-win......I am so ready!!!!

Food At Work

I have worked at some places where they like to have food events. At my new job some of the employees talk about the company the freshman 15 at college. This is how this week played out.....

Monday was a "potluck" lunch plus each manager was given a bowl of candy to give the employees as they trick or treated through the office. Thursday was a welcome breakfast for the new hires. The food was from Breugger's Bagels......fresh bagels, muffins, pumpkin cream cheese spread and fresh fruit.

How did I do? I did not eat anything at the potluck lunch, I didn't eat one piece of candy and I didn't partake in any of the food from Breugger's. Do you know how huge that is for me??? It was hard....I so wanted to eat at each event but knew if I did I would be setting myself up to fail. Any candy left in my office was thrown out....yes I said it I threw it out. I will admit during a stressful meeting I did indulge in one mini size Snickers was a tiny one and yes I ate only one. The brownies that I brought for the potluck.....not one crumb of brownie crossed my lips. I didn't even go to see if there were leftovers to take home. I didn't want to bring them back into the house.

Those were major victories for me. I will not gain the company 30......I know I cannot avoid every eating event but I can plan and try to make it work for me. With the holidays moving in quickly.....I need to be prepared. I think I can make it through without the scale moving I don't think I can.....I know I can....

The Best Day Of My Life

We have all been asked this question and told not to give the obvious answers- for some.....the day they got married (not my choice).......or the day your children were born...

For me it was the latter....OK I know Jenn is going to hate me for this but yes this entry is about the best day of my life and that would have to be the day she was born. As her birthday approaches I can't help but think back to the time of her arrival. First, I wanted a daughter....not just for me but for my Dad. He was in the final stages of cancer and still had one item on his life's list of things to do, have or accomplish. He had been blessed with 4 grandsons by the time I was pregnant but no granddaughters.

I know Jenn hates when people over share so I will skip the swollen feet, weight gain, loss of feeling in both of my hands and the 27 hours of labor.....LOL. I will also skip what I told Bob he could do with his hand as he was counting for me and telling me when to breathe during labor. Let's not mention the new curse words I created either when he would ask how I was feeling.....LOL.....the girl in the Exorcist had nothing on me.....LOL.

I have always regretted being asleep when she was born. Her father was in the cafeteria eating breakfast......what a surprise. My doctor woke me up about 90 minutes after Jenn was born. The first thing I asked was what had I had.......when he said a girl I was thrilled!!!!

On her 18th birthday, we went to visit what would turn out to be the university she would attend as both an undergraduate and graduate student. It was a special day as she told me on the way home she really wanted to go to school there. As I listed to the excitement in her voice.....I thought about the day 18 years earlier. I was going to tell her about that day.....the best day of my life. But as I looked at her face so excited about the future, I decided to keep the thoughts to myself. I didn't think she would get it.......who wants to hear their Mom talk about the day they were born. I know I didn't until I became a Mom......

I wish I had known then there would only be one time I would experience that kind of joy......I might have appreciated it more.

Well Jenn, I didn't do too bad in writing humilating stories, nothing that you would mind others reading.....LOL.

You have added so much to my life not only as my daughter but also as you have gotten older as a friend. Yes, I will always be your Mom but I think we are allowed to be friends too.

And although I won't recount out loud to you about the days and hours before your birth.....let me say from the first time I laid my eyes on you I knew my life would never be the have only made it better!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Jenn!!!! I love you!!!!