Monday, November 7, 2011

I Ate Half A Sandwich For Lunch

This week Jenn and I took a few days off to play. On Monday, we met Mary for lunch at DePrato's. I ordered a Turkey Reuben and it was delicious. It came with a pickle and an eye dropper filled with potato salad. We did have some pita chips with pimento cheese spread. But I still did something I haven't done in ages......I asked for a to go box. I only ate half my sandwich and we still had pita chips and pimento cheese left. Instead of feeling the need to finish any of it I packed it up and took it home. In my previous life, I always felt the need to finish what was placed in front of me.....not any more.

Later in the week, we threw away the pita chips. The pimento cheese is still in the fridge. The half a sandwich.....I had it for lunch yesterday. Quantity is not as important as it used to be.....quality is. I never thought I would get to a point where I would eat 1/2 a sandwich and be OK with it. But I am now at that point.....good for me.

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