Sunday, November 20, 2011

Twas the week before Thanksgiving

Like many people across the nation, I will be up early Thursday watching Macy's Parade. It makes me chuckle when people say to me "You have really been to the parade?" Been to that parade.....LOL.....let me count the number of times. Some years warm....some years freezing cold. With my Dad, we always stood up near where the parade began so as soon as Santa went by we raced to the car. My Dad's goal was to be back in our apartment by the time Santa made it across the finish line in front of Macy's on TV. Most years we made it....LOL.

There was also the year when as adults we took all our kids to the parade and it was my birthday. My family had the crowd around us join in a booming rendition of Happy Birthday while we waited for the parade to start. And yes, we have it on video.....that was a memorable event.....standing in the middle of NYC with a crowd of strangers singing to me.

Some years we would go downtown the night before Thanksgiving and see the balloons being blown up under huge nets. It was usually on that night I would have my first bag of roasted chestnut for the season......yum roasted chestnuts and yes they were cooking over an open fire.....

There are times when I miss being away from my family more than others....Thanksgiving and Christmas are certainly on top the list. It is a shame I took it so for granted when we lived within minutes of each other and would gather for anything from birthday cake to a football game.

This week as I add another candle to my birthday cake.....instead of making a wish.....I will do what so many others will be doing that thanks....for the wonderful people around me.......some in the same room and some miles away......each has added something to my life.......what better birthday present is there......and that gives me a lot to be thankful for......Amen.

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