Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Do You Mean The Macy's Parade Is Not For Me???

I was born on Thanksgiving. I weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces (no it is not true that Weight Watchers sent a lecturer to see me in the nursery!!!). As my Mom says, I had dark hair that stood straight up (I had hair issues even then) and a bright red birthmark on my forehead between my eyes. Since I was born in the middle of the night in a Catholic Hospital in the 1950's the nuns who ran the show told my dad he could come back and see me for the first time the next day during visiting hours. It was probably a good thing.....I bet I looked a little better in daylight.

I loved the years my birthday fell on Thanksgiving. I always thought the Macy's Parade was to celebrate about being stuck on myself!!!! It was fun to have the family together for those Thanksgiving birthdays. I hated those long spans when leap year meant my birthday went from the day before Thanksgiving to the day after Thanksgiving.

So here I am just a few days from another Thanksgiving birthday. The birthmark has faded over the years (it used to get brighter red when I would get mad) but I can still see it some times when I put on my makeup, the hair no longer stands straight up (now I battle to make it look fuller which as you all know is a story in itself) and the weight......oh the I would be happy to lose my birth weight by the New Year.

Well, say what you want.......I know when they say at 9:00 Thursday morning "Let's have a parade!!" is really for me.....

1 comment:

  1. Us Donner Sue, its for us. And anyone who tells you its for any other reason has lost their mind.
