Monday, November 28, 2011

Back to the gym......finally

Between the craziness of this time of year and being so busy at time at the gym has suffered. The good news is......I felt guilty about not being there. Never felt bad about not exercising before.....hey that is progress.

Today, I did get back to the gym. I jogged in the pool for about 45 minutes and did 1000 kicks hanging on the side of the pool. How do I know I did 1000 kicks......I counted each and every one of them. It felt good to work out again. And while I was doing my 45 minute jog, I was planning for the next year. I create stress for myself all the time. I have to be here at this time, I have to get this done before I can do something else, the office will collapse between the time I leave the office, hit the gym and get home (where I can log back into the office on my laptop). How important do I think I am? I can leave work at 5:00 on Tuesday and Thursday, go to the gym and log back on my laptop around 7:30 to see if I have missed anything earth shattering.....

In order to have less stress in my life for the month of December, I will get to the gym as often as I can. I will not make myself crazy about it if something comes up and I cannot go. January 2nd I can get back into my regular routine. 4-5 times a week at the gym for an hour each time. I will work out with my trainer 1-2 times a week. If I only meet with her once during the week then I will get on the elliptical at least once a week and then get in the pool 2 times a week.

I will watch what I eat through the new year. I am no saint but I will be very aware of what I put in my mouth. I would still like to be down on the scale January 1st and am keeping that goal in the forefront.

There are times when I have left stress and guilt overwhelm me.....not any least I am going try not to let it consume is too short and I would prefer to enjoy as much of it as I can.......

See I have taken the first step in the stress relief plan......I already have some of my New Year resolutions figure out......

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