Saturday, November 12, 2011

Favorite Smells

Today, Jenn made sauce. The smell alone made you want to eat pasta. In a few weeks it will be the smell of pine and evergreen that will take front and center in our house. While we do not get a real tree we do get a real wreath. It hangs on our front door inside the storm door. The nice part is when you get ready to walk through the front door you open the storm door and it hits you.....that wonderful smell of Christmas. We also have Yankee Candles that are called Christmas Wreath.....we burn them from Thanksgiving Day until New Year's Day. It fills the house with an aroma that puts you back to being a kid waiting for December 25th. The smell of cookies baking sends me the our 5th floor walk-up on 153rd Street in the Bronx. I am suddenly transformed in time where I was maybe 6 or 7. I remember sitting on the kitchen table "helping" my mother make cookies and all of a sudden my brother and Dad come through the door with our Christmas tree in tow.

It is amazing how smells can transport you anywhere in time........I eat sushi.....I am in my grandmother's kitchen eating it fresh as she makes it. I smell bayberry candles burning.....I am off to another Christmas where my brother's boy scout troop sold them as part of a fund raiser. I smell a burger or steak on the is a summer cook out or an afternoon at a friends house by the pool. I smell a fireplace is a family gathering in the fall or the holidays. The smell of an outdoor fire can send me to one of the many stops we made on our last family vacation as a kid when we traveled across the country camping all the way.

I don't need a transporter like on Star Trek to move through time......I just the smell of something from my past and I am there.....

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