Sunday, November 20, 2011

Still Not Feeling Christmas

Last week I started looking for Christmas.....a week later and I still haven't found it. Maybe I am letting the outside world influence my inner joy. I wish I could move into one of those Hallmark movies for a week and just let the Christmas feelings take me over. Or maybe I could book myself into Bedford Falls for a week.I want to feel the that so bad?

I would like to spend some time with family and friends.....just reminiscing and laughing. I want to enjoy the hustle and bustle and not look at it as a chore. I even made the big decision to not go out early Black Friday UNLESS I find some gift I must get for someone. I enjoy going out in the crowds on Black Friday......there is something fun about it. I have been listening to a radio station that plays continuous Christmas music. I have heard my favorite Christmas song (Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas) a few times and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. The song is very wistful......

Jenn asked me what I wanted for Christmas and there was nothing that I wanted that I couldn't live without. I mean I can always come up with something I want but nothing that I have been drooling for.

We talked about what cookies we should make to bring to work. We have discussed what kind of gifts to give my team at the office.

Maybe once the tree goes up next will happen.......Christmas. Maybe I have watched too many Hallmark movies and am looking for something that doesn't exist....

I will keep searching......I know Christmas is out there somewhere......I just have to find it......

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