Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is This Blog Self-Serving? Is It Too Much???

Someone mocked my blog this week. It hurt a lot for someone to many entries will there be in the All About Donna blog? In an ugly moment they asked if their comments to me would make it onto my blog. It hurt me deeply and made me question the purpose of writing every week. In the sarcasm of the facebook message, they stated "how many entries will there be in the All About Donna blog this week....50???"

This whole communication got me thinking.

I started this blog for me. At the suggestion of my trainer. I found it to be a good outlet for what I was experiencing and learning about myself. I found it therapeutic. It was never my intent to use it to boast. It was to celebrate my small victories and keep a record of where I have been and where I am heading. I started by sharing it with a very few select people, then I expanded my audience slowly and carefully......finally I decided to make the leap and let people know on facebook that I was writing a blog for them to read.

Up until this week, I have never gotten anything but positive feedback. I have been complimented for my honesty, sense of humor and for trying to stick with it even when I wanted to give up. I have had people share with me the entries that made them laugh and the ones that gave them encouragement. It is not easy to put your darkest moments out there for all to read but I felt it wouldn't be an honest blog unless I posted about the dark moments too. Along the way this blog has evolved not only into a weekly dairy about my quest to lose weight, eat healthy and get has given me the opportunity to write about the things I love, the things I dislike (don't want to say hate) and anything else that pops into my head. I have never forced anyone to read it or to become a follower of this blog. I have appreciated those of you who have read and those of you who have provided me with feedback. Thank you!!!

The person who put me down this week has made it into a blog entry.....they will remain nameless (but I will say this.....for once it was not Bob).

Now I am asking trusted friends, relatives and I still on the right track......was the sarcasm directed at me true.......has my writing gotten to be too much? I would love your thoughts......

Just one more thing......none of the feedback good or bad will cause me to stop my weekly entries.....LOL......did you think it would?? Maybe when I first started writing it might have made a difference but now I am not the same person I was back then.....

1 comment:

  1. Donna my friend, they will always be someone who will try to pull you down. But they can only do that if you allow them. For whatever reason, insucurity,low self esteem, unhappiness
    It is very hard for them to give to anyone. You first have to love yourself, before you can love anyone. Continue on your journey of self discovery and developement. i wish you all the blessings for your live.Continue with your blogs and keep us in the loop. Patty.
