Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings Time

I always have hard time adjusting to the shorter amount of daylight. I hate leaving the office in the dark or going to the gym the dark. I love the fall and the winter and the cool weather it brings but the short days.....not so much.

The short days made driving to NY difficult. You leave SC in the dark and get to NY in the dark......uugghh.

But there is something nice about seeing lights on in houses on the way home from work. Of course in my mind each house has a perfect family inside all sitting down to a great dinner together. Not like in my house where by the time I get home many nights Bob has already eaten and is inside hunting for some sporting event to watch. Jenn and I kind of grab whatever we feel like eating. I try hard to remember the last time we all sat down at the table together for dinner. Sad to say I can't this so unique.....are we so out of touch? What ever happened to the Sunday dinners of my did not get to pass on the Sunday family dinner.

Well. it is what it is.....eventually Jenn will be having dinner in her own home with her own family. That is as it should be. Will I because that is the way life is......I may sit down at the table alone but that will be OK..... I have become comfortable enough with myself to be alone. And if I really want company I have enough good friends that wouldn't mind my company.......and now that I have worked on conquering my fear of family is only a few hours away.......but I will probably drive anyway.....the control freak in me......LOL.

Funny how thinking about a one hour change on the clock brought me to having dinner alone.....the mind is an amazing thing......and my can see it can definitely wander.......

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