Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where Are You Christmas

I went into Walmart last night. As soon as I walked in the store....there is was.....a Christmas tree. It was decorated ......not the way I would but it still looked OK. I know it is a little early but I still look for those small moments when I start to feel Christmasy. I have been watching some Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel and yes I have to admit I have listened to one or two Christmas songs on my IPOD (I have a few that I keep on my IPOD all year round the rest will be loaded on within a few weeks).

I can't wait for that feeling.......the one where you still feel like anything is possible. The magic of the Christmas season. I still believe in Santa and think he knows what I want each year. I love everything about the season......the way people treat each other, the music, the movies, the gift wrap, the foods.......I can put myself into Christmas overload in no time.

I will make sure I get to the gym and I will definitely watch what I eat. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the magic.....

OK maybe I am rushing trying to find Christmas when the Thanksgiving turkey hasn't even been carved yet. But in less than 2 weeks.....all systems are go......Jenn and I have already planned when we are going to decorate, we have discussed what cookies to make and there is always the do we get up for Black Friday or not conversation.

T-minus 12 days......I am so come on Christmas.......I am right here waiting for you!!!!

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