Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Hair .....the saga continues

There was a time I would get up in the morning, wash my hair, dry it and go. Now I wash it, put it in curlers, later I then blow dry it, put some stuff called thick or volumizer in it and then use a curling iron. Then there is the brush out and hair spray. All of this to make it look like I have more hair than I do. It takes a lot of time in the morning but the final product does make me feel better. Even I can't believe I spend as much time as I do every single day to make me more comfortable with the thinness of my hair.

So I spend a lot of time in the morning making my hair look thick. Then I spend a lot of time at the end of the day trying to make my body look thin. Am I a mess or what.......never mind don't answer that.......I think I already know.....

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