Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Best Day Of My Life

We have all been asked this question and told not to give the obvious answers- for some.....the day they got married (not my choice).......or the day your children were born...

For me it was the latter....OK I know Jenn is going to hate me for this but yes this entry is about the best day of my life and that would have to be the day she was born. As her birthday approaches I can't help but think back to the time of her arrival. First, I wanted a daughter....not just for me but for my Dad. He was in the final stages of cancer and still had one item on his life's list of things to do, have or accomplish. He had been blessed with 4 grandsons by the time I was pregnant but no granddaughters.

I know Jenn hates when people over share so I will skip the swollen feet, weight gain, loss of feeling in both of my hands and the 27 hours of labor.....LOL. I will also skip what I told Bob he could do with his hand as he was counting for me and telling me when to breathe during labor. Let's not mention the new curse words I created either when he would ask how I was feeling.....LOL.....the girl in the Exorcist had nothing on me.....LOL.

I have always regretted being asleep when she was born. Her father was in the cafeteria eating breakfast......what a surprise. My doctor woke me up about 90 minutes after Jenn was born. The first thing I asked was what had I had.......when he said a girl I was thrilled!!!!

On her 18th birthday, we went to visit what would turn out to be the university she would attend as both an undergraduate and graduate student. It was a special day as she told me on the way home she really wanted to go to school there. As I listed to the excitement in her voice.....I thought about the day 18 years earlier. I was going to tell her about that day.....the best day of my life. But as I looked at her face so excited about the future, I decided to keep the thoughts to myself. I didn't think she would get it.......who wants to hear their Mom talk about the day they were born. I know I didn't until I became a Mom......

I wish I had known then there would only be one time I would experience that kind of joy......I might have appreciated it more.

Well Jenn, I didn't do too bad in writing humilating stories, nothing that you would mind others reading.....LOL.

You have added so much to my life not only as my daughter but also as you have gotten older as a friend. Yes, I will always be your Mom but I think we are allowed to be friends too.

And although I won't recount out loud to you about the days and hours before your birth.....let me say from the first time I laid my eyes on you I knew my life would never be the have only made it better!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Jenn!!!! I love you!!!!

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