Sunday, November 6, 2011

Food At Work

I have worked at some places where they like to have food events. At my new job some of the employees talk about the company the freshman 15 at college. This is how this week played out.....

Monday was a "potluck" lunch plus each manager was given a bowl of candy to give the employees as they trick or treated through the office. Thursday was a welcome breakfast for the new hires. The food was from Breugger's Bagels......fresh bagels, muffins, pumpkin cream cheese spread and fresh fruit.

How did I do? I did not eat anything at the potluck lunch, I didn't eat one piece of candy and I didn't partake in any of the food from Breugger's. Do you know how huge that is for me??? It was hard....I so wanted to eat at each event but knew if I did I would be setting myself up to fail. Any candy left in my office was thrown out....yes I said it I threw it out. I will admit during a stressful meeting I did indulge in one mini size Snickers was a tiny one and yes I ate only one. The brownies that I brought for the potluck.....not one crumb of brownie crossed my lips. I didn't even go to see if there were leftovers to take home. I didn't want to bring them back into the house.

Those were major victories for me. I will not gain the company 30......I know I cannot avoid every eating event but I can plan and try to make it work for me. With the holidays moving in quickly.....I need to be prepared. I think I can make it through without the scale moving I don't think I can.....I know I can....

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