Monday, November 7, 2011

The Dog Fit On My Lap

A lap....the definition is the space created on your legs when you sit down. A lap is something most people have that they don't even think about. I have not had much of a lap for a long time. This week I found out that had changed......

Jenn and I stopped at a friend's house this week. They have a dog who loves to sit on every one's lap. Until this week this was not an option for me.......I didn't even know it was an option now. But while I sat and chatted with my daughter and friend all of a sudden........there was the dog up on my lap. Now I am not saying she was able to lay out full length and stretch but she was able to get up and sit. I held her and petted her. Then she was gone..... off to seek new attention from someone else. She did come back and sat on my lap again before we left.

Now this is not a great big dog but she is not a small dog either. She is a medium size dog. I know it doesn't seem like a big thing to have a dog sit on your lap but when you haven't had the room for this to is something that jumps out at you after it happens. A small vistory.....

1 comment:

  1. Do I know this dog.....if so I'm sorry..... :) Can't wait until the most important Holiday of the year.....and think about it, people all over the country will be celebrating our Birthday by eating turkey!
