Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are You Capable of Saying I'm Sorry

Why do people back themselves into a corner? Why do people have to be negative? Why do people feel it is OK to constantly let out their frustrations on others? Why do I continue to take it? What is wrong with me????

Why do people feel they can be mean to you one day and then the next day act as if they had done nothing wrong? Why am I not allowed to be happy with what I have accomplished? Why am I not allowed to do what I want and not be made to feel guilty about it? Why is it that my conscience forces me to put up with crap from someone else? Why do I allow myself to be the whipping boy or girl as the case might be for someone angry at the way their own life has turned out?

Am I not allowed happiness? Must I always pretend that everything is fine? When am I allowed to do what I want, when I want and not have to pay for it later?

Are apologies never required? To say I'm Sorry....2 lousy words....

Am I not entitled to be happy......does the fact that someone else made poor choices mean I must always have to take their carrying on and frustrations......

How about taking responsibility for their own situation?? Did I make the decisions for them?

I don't think they even care about what it is doing to can be draining, exhausting, stressful and makes me have to fight being depressed over how the hell I ended up like this......I am fortunate that the people who know what I am talking about have not gotten fed up with me and moved on......instead they hang in there with me.....I am so grateful for that......oh if I had my life to live over again knowing what I do now.......the path would be very different.....

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