Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ghosts of Easter Past

This morning when I woke up.....I thought about Easter's past.

My parents always made great baskets, filled with goodies and wrapped in colorful see through cellophane. The sides were taped closed so little hands could not squeeze through the sides and sneak out some sweets before Mass. The night before eggs were colored and decorated. There was always a hunt for the eggs.....the weather determined whether it was inside or out.

Some years there was a brunch other years we made the trip to Smithtown Long Island to visit relatives. We would pick up my Grandmother in the Bronx on the way. The cousins would play outside. Or the adults would tell us kids to go in the rec room and make up a show that they would come and watch later. We would rehearse and rehearse and finally convince the adults to come downstairs to watch our extravaganza. It included skits, songs and dancing.....we were a very creative group. Of course there was the adult table and the kids table. The hard part was the long trip back home. When we got to my grandmother's apartment building Mom or Dad would get out with her and see her safely to her apartment and then we would continue the journey home.

While everyone else fell asleep.....I felt a need to stay awake and talk to my Dad. I was convinced he was tired and needed my constant conversation to keep him from falling asleep. When in reality, he probably wished I would just fall asleep!!! I would lean forward and pat him on the shoulder.....he was a good sport and would keep the conversation going. I don't know why I was worried that poor Dad would fall asleep....

As a Mom, I have colored the eggs, put a basket together with the sides sealed with scotch tape and participated in hiding the Easter eggs. I was lucky enough for many years to have all of my family within 10 minutes of where I lived. Now, I wish I could spend a Sunday having brunch with them......

I wouldn't even mind making the trip to Smithtown to spend Easter with the long on the ride home I could talk to Dad and made sure he stayed awake.....

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