Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back To The Basics...

Sometimes I get slack.....I get lazy about writing down what I eat, don't really focus on the portion sizes and don't drink all of my water. When this happens shows at the scale.

So once again.....for the 90 zillionth time.....I am getting tough on myself. I promise for this week to write down everything I eat......I promise to watch my portion size.......I promise to drink all of my water (even if it means I have to get up during the night).

I am going to try and get up early enough each morning to make a fresh salad, soup or veggie dish for lunch. I have green zucchini ready to go, bought some grape tomato's to munch on, celery and cukes to eat with salsa.

I don't know why I get slack with these things......fortunately I do not get slack about the gym......I am even thinking about squeezing in another day on a regular basis.....last week I went 4 times and that is what I am shooting for and maybe 5 times some weeks.....just have to figure out when to do the morning.....hhhmmm......that would be tough.....I would love to but I can barely get myself out of bed on time as it is.....after work??....I would love to some straight home from work at least 2 days a I will have to think on that one and figure it out.....wish I could get to the pool on lunch hour......more to think about....

I will get this all straight sooner or later......sooner would be better.....right??

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