Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oprah Top Chapter 3

I went to JoAnn's Friday afternoon. OK compared to Hobby Lobby there was a plethora of choices. It was almost overwhelming. I loaded my cart with a variety of selections. Silks, sheers, bold, bright and on and on.... I wandered the aisles trying to figure out what would look best on me. My self-image is not always the best. I see something I like and think I can wear that....then I put it on and uuuugghhh. I hope I haven't built myself up for a big letdown. I am keeping my fingers crossed that when the top is complete and I put it is as fabulous as I have pictured in my head a hundred times.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that the vision of me I have in my head does not match the image that looks back at me from the mirror. Weight Watchers tells you to see yourself as you want to be......

But when it comes to clothes.....I need to see myself as I am.....right now....not the way I will look in a year or two.

Any I going to look like a moving tent? Am I going to look like the person trying to cover her flaws with some draped material? Am I going to look elegant? Or will I look foolish?

Keep your fingers crossed that what I see in my head becomes reality. I guess the good thing is I can envision myself further down the just the me that exists now....on that I may need a reality check.....

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