Sunday, April 3, 2011

What the hell is going on with my eyelids???

Last week I decided to try something as an experiment.....I made up one half of my face at a time to see if my make-up really made a difference in the way I looked. The answer.....OH MY GOD YES !!!!!

Not that with make-up I would end up on the cover of Vogue but without it I could probably end up on the cover of MAD magazine. Some people are very lucky and can carry off the no make-up look. I used to be able to........but that was a long time ago!!!

While I was doing my goofy half make-up experiment.....I noticed something I hadn't really picked up on before. When I used my make-up brush to apply my eyelid didn't automatically pop back into kind of slowly slid back into place....uuuggghh.

My hair is thinning, I get my face waxed (OK so I can get hair on my face and not on my head????), my boobs are racing to see which one can reach my waist first, my hands have a lot of wrinkles even when I do not spend excessive time in the water and now my eyelids have lost their elasticity....

I am afraid to see what is next.....and I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats wanting to know too.....maybe body parts will start falling off......I promise you will be the first to know....stay tuned!!!

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