Saturday, April 23, 2011

Taking A Half Day Off

Friday, I took a half day of PTO (paid time off). I was out of the office by 12. It is funny how just a few hours out of the office can rejuvenate you. It almost feels like cutting school. To be off from work while most of the world is still at their desks is delightful. To be able to say "what do I want to do?" and not have the restriction of running to do things after work. Jenn picked me up to make sure I didn't delay my exit....LOL!! She has no faith in me.....

Those few hours made the week-end even longer.....just a few hours and it was almost like having a 3 day week-end.

The only hard part is rushing to get done what is needed prior to leaving the office. Plus I had to fit into the schedule coloring Easter Eggs with the team and a office wide Easter Egg Hunt. I won a weeks pass for jeans and sneakers!!!

So couple a few hours of freedom, jeans for a week and I feel great!!! Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.....I feel like I am on a roll!!!!

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