Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yes, I Do Count Gardening As Excercise

Most of you who know me well know I am not a gardener......

In the South, many people live to garden. You always see movies with those older southern ladies....wearing gardening gloves and big hats to protect their fair skin from the sun.!! I do wear a hat in the summer but that is just when I am sitting in my friend Kathy's pool and don't want my scalp to burn......yes I said it and I will say it again......I don't want my scalp to burn. You all know my hair is thin and baby fine so I must protect my head. Once I get in the pool, I never want to get out so the hat is a necessity.

Back to the gardening.....

The front of the house looked a little dreary. Jenn and I decided to go to Lowe's. Yes, us and about 90 million other people (that number might be slightly exaggerated). Everyone decided yesterday was the day to spruce up the yard. We bought cedar mulch, a small half barrel, some herbs and potting soil. It was almost 90 degrees out and I was sweating as I walked around and around looking at the plants and seeds.

We got home and I went inside to cool off.....a big THANK YOU to the person who invented central air!!!

Once I had cooled off, Jenn and I went outside and spread the cedar mulch. We also planted an herb garden with oregano, basil, parsley, dill and chives. The only thing I have left to do is get a few hanging baskets for the front porch and I am done. I want to get spider plants to hang. They endure the heat well and I usually do not have to replace them during the summer. As long as I remember to water them each day.....

Should I mention not only was I covered in dirt and sweating and smelled like cedar but I was extremely hot!!!

Do I count this as exercise?? You bet you a** I do!!!!

OK, I will admit that when I pulled away from the house today to go to the did look pretty. Now the works begins because now I have to keep it that way.

Wonder how many points I burned up during the better have been a lot!!!

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