Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Longest Plateau in History

I overslept this morning so I missed by Weight Watchers meeting. I weighed myself 8 times on the bathroom scale and the range was between down 1 pound to up 1 pound. OK weighing myself 8 times is excessive......I was looking for consistency......each turn of the scale.....yes I turned the scale to see if any number was accurate.....

Bottom line is the numbers are moving in slow motion and I am getting so tired of it!!!! Today..... I feel like a big blob of fat. I know I can't give up and I won't but I am just at a point where I don't know where to turn.

My workouts at the gym have been varied which I know is the right way to go. Between the pool and training with Carol my routine is never the same. Switching my routine is good.

So I have to believe it is something with the food I am eating. My food choices are pretty predictable.....maybe that is the problem.....

Oatmeal for breakfast at least 5 days a week. Flat bread with cheese for lunch. I get in veggies. I am drinking more water. So what to do?

Maybe this week I will read every label I can to see exactly what is in what I am eating.....I will really look at the sugar and the other white stuff......really focus on the carb's and fat......

I have lunch plans both Saturday and Sunday......I will need to plan ahead and try to make good choices. I can't avoid life so I have to figure out how to live in the real world where every meal can't be made just for me. I know I can ask for substitutions in order to stay focused but sometimes it would be easier if I could just pack my own food and bring it with me for social events.

I want to see some changes in the reflection looking back at me and right now I am not. I pass up things I like to eat all the time, I don't order lunch out when I would love to because I know some of those choices wouldn't be good, I try to think before I eat.

I try, I try, I try........

So what to do????

If I could just get out of this range of numbers that I am fluctuating in.......I think that would help a lot!!!!

OK it is Saturday morning and I have not eaten yet. I am hungry and need to figure out how to start my day.......

Bob is in the process of eating 6 cinnamon rolls......yes 6.....and I am trying to decide between oatmeal and ?????

It isn't fair....I know it has to do with metabolism.......where is mine?? Did it leave and go on vacation???

Time to pull myself up by my own bootstraps and get out of this funk I am in.....Jenn said "Nannie would tell you to pray about it." She is here goes....

"Dear God, Please help me figure this out. I can't do it alone. I am giving this over to you."


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