Saturday, April 23, 2011

Who Says Saturday Is For Relaxing??

Saturday is supposed to be to relax and recharge your batteries. This past Saturday that was not the case. Here is the list of places I hit....Weight Watchers, JoAnn's, the gym, Fresh Market, Sams for gas, Lowes, Arby's (not for me), Books A Million, Rite Aid, Publix, back to Lowes and oh the ATM....not a surprise having to stop there after seeing the list above.

The non-stop day.....

I got a lot accomplished....

Trying to make it so Sunday is a free day.....

Besides going to the gym....there was a lot of walking in each store. No wonder I was tired by nightfall. I wish I worked a 4 day workweek.....four 10 hour days would be heaven. Then I would have that extra day to get things done and not feel like I am in a race against time.

The up side is I have a lot more stamina than I did a year ago...... I walk further and park further away from the stores.....I keep moving.....and I feel good about that!!!!

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