Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Don't Need It To Be Easy Just Possible...

I read the title of this blog entry on a website yesterday. I can't remember the name of the sad is less than one day I have forgotten it!! I do like the title. I knew this journey would not be easy but some days the possible part becomes impossible in my head. That is when I need to fight back. Yesterday morning I was in a funk.....feeling like I am in one of those forever pools.....swimming but not getting anywhere.

I met my friends, Kathy, Debbie and Debra for lunch. The lunch was a shot in the arm I needed. It is great to just sit and talk about anything and everything. When we first met yesterday, we decided to change our lunch spot. We ended up at another place around the corner. The old Donna, would have gotten in the car and moved it closer to the new location. Instead, I walked to the new location and at a good clip I might add. Even my friends commented on my speed. What they don't know is that when we chose the new location, I had to stop and think for a minute......can I walk there and be OK? Now mind you this was not a long walk .......going from one side of a strip mall to another but when you have gotten out of breath over much shorter distances you stop and think about these things. I was pleased with myself that I felt good and there were no issues over the short walk.

Those are the kinds of things that fly around in my head. Fear can be crippling. Right now I feel like I am learning to walk again... physically, mentally and emotionally.

So as the saying goes.....I never said it had to be easy but I need to believe it is possible. And yesterday, that short walk showed me I can do it. I need to get comfortable with not hesitating before doing. And I will.....

Just put one foot in front of the other.......over and over again......

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