Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Curling Iron.....

I know I should not complain about my hair.....especially when there are those close to me who have lost theirs at different times due to chemo or who are experiencing that loss now.....

BUT when I feel like I have so few physical attributes.....I have to hang on to whatever I can....except my weight....

Back to my is thin and baby fine......I am so afraid I will become one of those women you see where all you see is scalp.......I am not talking about the people who lose it to chemo and then it grows back.....I don't think mine is coming what to do.....

I now spend more time on my hair than I have my whole life.....gels, curlers, know.....the whole 9 yards......

I now use a curling iron.....not too hot though......don't want to burn the hair I still have.....I do like the way it looks when it is done......the problem is does take more time......I can't just slap on the gel, add some curlers, let it sit and take them out before I leave for work......I have to wait for my hair to dry....apply some gel and start curling......once I am done.... with just a little hairspray I am good to order to do this I have to give myself another 15 minutes in the morning.....

At the rate I am going I will never get to sleep. I have to keep on getting up earlier and earlier to make myself look......well you know.....

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