Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Gym On A Sunday Morning

I went to the gym early today. The nice part is that early on a Sunday morning it is not crowded. I had the pool all to myself and it was so relaxing......the some families showed up and my solitude was broken. Until they arrived I imagined myself as very wealthy and this was the pool at my beach house. Of course my pool would be enclosed so I could swim every day. It would have floor to ceiling windows and I would have no one to bother me unless they were invited....

I had weights by the pool to use in the of the Dad's in the pool threw them far enough away so his very young son could not reach them but neither could I. I wished he had at least thought to ask if I was using them!! I spent the rest of my time counting in my head as I did jumping jacks, kicks, jogged and stair work. All to the screams from young children.

Have I mentioned that there are signs that say "No children under 5 are allowed in the pool"?

One Dad had his 18 month old son jumping to him from the side of the pool. Each time the little boy jumped... I cringed because his head was so close to the edge. OK.... can I mention the splashing?? I fixed my hair and make-up before I left for the gym......that is the beauty of working out in the streams of sweat running down your face or flattening your hair. BUT when kids start slamming the noodles in the pool there is a lot of splashing going on. Did I mention the Dad playing catch with his son....I had to keep an eye out for any stray pitches that might head my way.

My pool time is supposed to be relaxing!!!! This morning......NOT!!!

But the good news was I got a workout in.....count to 100 for each exercise I did.....100 jumping jacks....100 kicks....and on and on and I did 2-3 sets of each. It was probably good that I was counting to 100 because it helped me to concentrate.

It also prevented me from losing my cool.....

Oh well, at least I got the workout in and burned some calories and earned some activity points.......

One trip to the gym for the week is over....hopefully I will get at least 3 more visits in this week. Minus the stress.....

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