Sunday, April 24, 2011

A New Week A New Page

I am trying to think of the good things about the week coming up.....uuuhhmm.....ok how about.....

Jeans for the week.....thank you WF Easter Bunny!!!
My front porch railing will be fixed and the new gutters will be installed.
I will get to the gym at least 3 times (the gym was closed today so I lose 1 regular visit),
Pedicure Saturday is coming up.
All the meals for the week have been prepared or are an easy fix.

Hopefully, the week will fly and before I know it Friday will be here again. I will write down what I eat this week, I will drink lots of water, I will make good food choices and I will make sure my workouts are loaded with cardio, cardio, cardio....

I will be as positive as I can be.......the easy part was making the list......that hard part is sticking to it. Think I can?? I will let you know next weekend how I of right now......I am on it.....get ready is going to be a great week....did I sound convincing??? I hope I did....

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