Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Full Circle Of Life Week

This last week included all the major events of life: birth, marriage and death.

I was so excited to hear our family will have a new addition. My nephew Nick and his wife Sally are expecting a baby in the fall. Sally posted a sonogram picture on facebook. I can already see the baby looks like her Great-Aunt Donna.....LOL. This will be the 2nd girl in that generation in our family. Funny, I remember my great Aunts and Uncles and they seemed so much older than I am my memory fading or am I just not willing to admit that I am probably the age they were when I remember spending time with them.

We made reservations for the hotel in Jensen Beach, FL for another nephews wedding. Nick's brother George will be marrying his love Mary in June. This is going to be a great week-end and I am excited to spend time with my family. George is the oldest of the grandchildren and has planned a special week-end for all the guests.

I received a phone call Friday to let me know about a friends passing. Dwayne was one of the kindest people I have ever known, always smiling as if he knew a secret, and a wonderful contagious laugh. We worked together 3 times in the last 12 years at different jobs. He was too young to have been taken from us so suddenly.

I experienced joy at the news of a new baby.....that definitely should be named in honor of Nick's favorite Aunt and Godmother....the would be me!!!

I enjoyed thinking about the happiness of George and Mary as they get ready to start their life together.

I mourn the ending of a life too I said on facebook although he is gone.....there is a new star in the sky and the heavens are filled with his laughter.

From birth to death all in a few shorts days.....the one resounding commonality was love. Love for a new life, the love of a young couple and the love for a friend that will be missed.

It has been quite a week......

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