Saturday, April 16, 2011

Really.....Sideways Jumping Jacks????

My trainer, Carol, likes to switch things up to get my cardio rate up. This week we used the stepper ....up a level and I had to use weights and alternate arms lifting the weights while climbing the stepper. Then she wanted me to do side ways Jumping Jacks. As she demonsrated them to me, she stayed in place and kept putting one foot in front of the other at the end.

Me attempting this would have made a great comic video. I kept moving forward.....not staying in place. I would move my legs out and forget to move my arms or I would move my arms after I had my legs back in place. Either way I looked foolish and proved I have no coordination!!!! I continued to try and did several reps of them but they were sure not pretty. I was counting out loud, trying to remember to swing my arms and move out my legs out all at the same time. I can trip while just walking so this was a challenge.

Carol, told me I had done a good job at the end of the session, I hadn't stopped the whole time. She said it was good cardio, cardio, cardio.

This "jacks" thing reminded me of a time I went to the roller rink with Jenn's girl scout troop. I hadn't been on roller skates in many, many years. It took a few trips around the rink before my brain and body got in sync. Finally, my brain said "oh she wants to roller skate!!". The I was able to go around the rink with a little more conviction.

I think when I was "trying" to do the "jacks" brain was saying " Are you out of your $%^*^^*$* mind?" My brain continued on to think "is she on drugs, does she want another broken arm, oh this is crazy.....let's see how she reacts when we don't move our arms the same time as out feet".....

So ugly it may have been this time.....I will continue to try and do them.....and I know I will get better.

Can wait to see what happens when I try to jump rope....yikes.

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