Saturday, April 16, 2011

In Search of Oprah's Caftan

When Oprah visited Australia she wore a beautiful kaftan or is it caftan?? The color were bright and bold, the top flowed as she walked. I wanted that top to wear for my nephews wedding in June. I spent hours looking on line for that top with no success. I told my friend Mary about my search. To my embarrassment, Mary got on the computer and found the top in less than 5 minutes!!! The cost $500!!!! Not exactly in my budget. So I started searching other web sites.......nothing moved me like that top did.

I know I am not going to this wedding with as big a weight loss as I had hoped. So at least I can wear something that makes me feel good......

What to do, what to do......

I emailed my friend Kathy. Kathy can take a paper bag and make it into an evening gown. The first e-mail I sent her the picture didn't show up (are we seeing a pattern with my computer skills???). The second attempt was successful......Kathy got the picture. I asked if she thought it could be made......she said WE can make it....the only thing worse than my computer skills is my sewing skills....LOL. Today we are going to look for the material for the top. I already have black pants and a black tank top to go underneath the Oprah top. Kathy said she thinks it will only take about 2 hours to make.....and we will be leaving off the crystals that shine on Oprah's top and use some other embellishments.

I had said in an earlier post that I wanted to branch out and wear brighter colors and here is my chance.

The last time I wanted to do something based on a picture was when I went to see Wayne. Wayne is the man whose advice I take regarding my hair. He pointed me in the right direction on highlights vs. dying my hair all one color (the scalp doesn't stand out as much with highlights). He suggested the curling iron which makes it look like I have more hair than I do. So when it comes to my hair.....Wayne is the man. Back to my original point.....during one of my first meetings with Wayne, I brought a picture of Merill Streep from "The Devil Wears Prada". I loved her hair in that movie. I asked Wayne if my hair could be cut to look like that? Wayne looked at the picture and said "Honey, that is a great wig." That meant no....LOL.

The point being sometimes I see something and assume it can work for me......and maybe it can't. But I have to try right?????

I am..... with Kathy's guidance....oh be honest Donna......with Kathy at the sewing machine we will see how this turns out......minus the same print, minus the crystals, plus the fact that Oprah and I do not have the same build.....

Keep your fingers crossed that this works out......other wise I will be easy to pick out in the wedding photo's.......I will be the one in the burlap bag.....

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